Agenda for Monday, August 19, 2019

Regular Meeting at Fletcher Hall, City of Lighthouse Point

Please notify Samuel S. Goren, District General Counsel, if you cannot attend

(954) 771-4500

  1. Roll Call/Quorum
  2. Approval of Minutes for July 15, 2019 regular monthly meeting
  3. Approval of Outstanding Bills in the amount of $_____________.
  4. Approval of Current Month’s Expenses estimated at approximately $30,000.00
  5. Circulate Dredge Log for Review
  6. Inlet Status Report – Captain Woodworth R. Draughon III


  1. Hull Insurance Proposal Presentation from Egis Insurance & Risk Advisors   
  2. Renewal for Workers’ Compensation Insurance from Florida Municipal Insurance Trust
  3. Quality Sandblasting, Inc. – Modify Agreement to provide for reconditioning of the Elbow Barge in the summer of 2020


  1. South Jetty Construction Update
  2. Website ADA Compliance Update
  3. Resolution Authorizing Line of Credit with BB&T
  4. Discussion of the Proposed Millage Rate and Budget for 2019-2020
  5. Commissioner Comments


Any person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations in order to participate should contact the District Office at (954) 785-3926 at least 48 hours in advance to request such accommodations.


First Budget meeting & Regular meeting – Monday, September 16, 2019 at Fletcher Hall

Final Budget Meeting – Monday, September 23, 2019 at Fletcher Hall