Agenda for Monday, March 25, 2019

Regular Meeting at Fletcher Hall, City of Lighthouse Point

Please notify Samuel S. Goren, District General Counsel, if you cannot attend

(954) 771-4500

  1. Roll Call/Quorum
  2. Approval of Minutes for February 25, 2019 regular monthly meeting 
  3. Approval of Outstanding Bills in the amount of $_____________.
  4. Approval of Current Month’s Expenses estimated at approximately $30,000.00
  5. Circulate Dredge Log for Review
  6. Inlet Status Report – Captain Woodworth R. Draughon


  1. South Jetty Update 
  2. Resolution No. 2019-02 – Approving Interlocal Agreement with City of Pompano Beach for use of Exchange Club Park
  3. Consideration and Award of RFP for South Jetty Rehabilitation Project
  4. Quotes from Quality Sandblasting, Inc. – Dredge and Elbow Barge
  5. Resolution No. 2019-03 – Reallocating Reserve Balance for District Budget FY 2018-19 


  1. Commissioner Comments