Agenda for Monday, September 17, 2018

Following the First Budget Meeting

Regular Meeting at Fletcher Hall, City of Lighthouse Point

Please notify Samuel S. Goren, District General Counsel, if you cannot attend

(954) 771-4500

  1. Roll Call/Quorum
  2. Approval of Minutes for August 20, 2018 regular monthly meeting
  3. Approval of Outstanding Bills in the amount of $_____________.
  4. Approval of Current Month’s Expenses estimated at approximately $30,000.00
  5. Circulate Dredge Log for Review
  6. Inlet Status Report – Captain Scott Evans


  1. Hiring Process for New Dredge Operator
  2. Resolution Declaring Surplus Property


  1. South Jetty
    1. Review and approve RFP for Jetty Rehabilitation Contractor
    2. Review Coral Transplantation Proposal
    3. Construction Administration Proposal
    4. Review additional work regarding building permit review with City of Pompano Beach
  2. Renewal of General Liability Policy – Egis Insurance Risk Advisors
  3. Commissioner Comments