To be held Using Communications Media Technology
Please notify David N. Tolces, District General Counsel, if you cannot attend
(954) 763-4242
- Roll Call/Quorum
- Approval of Minutes for First Budget Hearing September 14, 2020
- Approval of Minutes for Final Budget Hearing September 21, 2020
- Approval of Minutes for Regular Meeting September 21, 2020
- Approval of Outstanding Bills in the amount of $_____________.
- Approval of Current Month’s Expenses estimated at approximately $30,000.00
- Circulate Dredge Log for Review
- Inlet Status Report – Captain Woodworth R. Draughon III
- Review Request for Proposal (“RFP”) for Modular Office
- Review draft for Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) for Coastal Engineering Services
- Annual Salary Review
- Aids to Navigation at the North Jetty – Update
- Commissioner Comments
Any person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations in order to participate should contact the District Office at (954) 763-4242 at least 48 hours in advance to request such accommodations.
- This statement explains the DISTRICT’s findings related to the need to hold the public meeting utilizing communications media technology, and the ability of the public to access the public meeting. The DISTRICT’s findings and procedure for utilizing communications media technology to hold and access the public meeting are as follows:
- Pursuant to Governor DeSantis’ Executive Orders 20-51 and 20-52, in which the Governor declared a public health emergency and a state of emergency, there is a recommendation to limit public gatherings.
- On March 20, 2020, Governor DeSantis issued Executive Order 20-69, suspending the requirement that a quorum of the government body be present in person, or that a local government body to meet at a specific public place.
- Consistent with the authority contained in the Governor’s Executive Orders, as amended, and in order to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the DISTRICT’s clients and employees, the DISTRICT finds that it is in the best interest of the DISTRICT to hold this public meeting utilizing communications media technology.
- Therefore, the DISTRICT will be holding this public meeting through the use of Communications Media Technology. All members of the public may participate in the meeting via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 812 4190 6303
Passcode: 487893
Join Via Teleconference: 1 346 248 7799
- Submitting Public Comment via email: PRIOR to the start of the meeting, submit comments by email to Please include your name and address in the email. All comments submitted by email comment length shall be, if read orally, three (3) minutes or less. Public Comment received by 6pm prior to the start of the meeting will be read into the record by the Secretary. All other comments submitted by email prior to the start of the meeting shall be made a part of the public record.
- Participating in Meeting: Log-in to Zoom via browser, app or phone. During Public Comment portion of the agenda use Raise Hand feature to be called on. Raise Hand feature can be activated by selecting the icon. If you are on app on phone, icon is on the bottom of your screen. If you are on a tablet, icon is on the top right of your screen. If you are on a PC or laptop, icon is on the bottom of the screen. If you are calling in to the meeting, Dial *9.
- Delivery of any documents for the District Board relating to public comment can be sent to If received by 6pm prior to the meeting, the document will be provided to the commission and will be made a part of the permanent record. If received after 6pm the documents will be provided to the District Board the next business day.
- A copy of the Agenda for this Public Meeting is posted on the DISTRICT’s website,, and at the respective DISTRICT municipalities’ public notice locations.